If you have been following my near weekly video updates, you don’t have the plethora of information subscribers have by 11 a,m. ET every morning in the trading week, and throughout the day, but you should have a pretty detailed composite picture of where things are heading. I feel as confident about this forecast as I did in September of last year (2022) when I was expecting market bases and bottoms to form in October of last year (2022). Those bases would support a rally that would lead the market out of the primary down trend, or bear market, and in to an intermediate up trend (much stronger and longer lasting than strong bear market rallies, but not a new primary trend bull market).  In other words, I was very confident this time a year ago we were moving from a bear market to a much more bullish market, at least a month before it happened. I’ve been bullish ever since, but since the end of Q2 2023, I’ve expected and seen the expected topping process develop that ultimately ends this intermediate up trend, and I’m as confident in that forecast now as the bullish forecast this time last year.

Feel free to share the video with those you think could benefit. The next year is going to be increasingly difficult for people and if we can help family, friends and loved ones, I’d be very happy if the video accomplished that alone – even if it’s just to open their minds to possibilities other than the mainstream “soft landing”, “no landing” or even worse, “new bull market” narratives. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


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